Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friends With Benefits

"Fear was lost in stupor; revulsion, in a certain sensuality. Hofmanstahal's nightly visit was no longer a thing of horror, but the soft arrival of a friend whom he wanted to help with all his being and who was in turn helping him. Night and day they exchanged life; and the life nurtured became a single flow and purpose between them. Craig was the quiescent vessel of life, which Hofmanstahal filled every day, so that life might build itself against the coming of night and the return of its essence to Hofmanstahal." Page 5

I had always been at a lost about the sensuality revolving around vampires. Their characteristics of immortality and beauty are appealing, but I could not identify a clear reason why vampires and sex are ofter paired (True Blood, Anne Rice, and, of course, Twilight). This passage offers an interesting insight into the sexuality surrounding vampires and their feeding methods. Craig and Hofmanstahal "exchange life" at night, similar to sex being connected with pregnancy and new life, like how"the life nurtured became a single flow and purpose between them." It is interesting how although this relationship might seem parasitic because Hofmanstahal is using Craig for his blood, Craig says it is a mutual relationship. Craig benefits from the companionship of Hofmanstahal as well as the peace and satisfaction that comes with the nightly feedings. It is as if Hofmanstahal and Craig are FWBs.

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